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What is the #MASCAReads Book Club? The #MASCAReads Book Club is a fun way to stay on top of trends and network with other school counseling professionals.  It will allow school counseling professionals and graduate students to learn new information, share common experiences and participate in a professional development activity outside of their school community.

How does it work?  #MASCAreads will be an online club that discusses books related to school counseling. It would meet two or three times a year, most likely in the early evening.  All book club discussions will be held on Zoom, an online video conferencing service. Participants must register on Zoom to participate. Participants do NOT have to be MASCA members although members will find it easier to get notifications of the book selection and date and times of the Zoom Meetings.

How does one participate?  Book club members are welcome to participate in any—or all—of the meetings, held on Zoom. Titles will be announced at least six weeks in advance of each meeting. Members can order online, use an audio book app, or visit their local lib rary or bookstore to obtain a copy or e-book of the selection.

Who will coordinate the Book Club?  Nicole Fernald and Maria Maloney are coordinators of the #MASCAReads Book Club.  Nicole Fernald is a high school counselor in Maynard, MA.  She has been a school counselor since 2008 at every level K-12.  Nicole reads at least 1 book/month and has been part of one other book club.  Maria Maloney is an School Counselor working with elementary students at Granite Valley School in Monson, MA and has worked in Education pre-K-12 since 2010. Maria loves to read and includes a lot of books in her counseling program for students. As coordinators they will be responsible for facilitating the #MASCAReads Book Club Meetings on Zoom, polling members about future book choices, and sharing meeting and book selection information to the MASCA membership.

How will book club titles be selected? #MASCAreads participants are encouraged to submit titles for consideration to the Book Club coordinators. Titles will be selected with an eye for books that appeal to a broad cross-section of members and offer plenty of opportunity for discussion.  Selected titles may relate to school counseling, self-care or general K-12 education.  Selections do not imply endorsements.  Whenever possible, we will try to get the book author to join us for the Zoom Meeting.


This year the #MASCAReads Book Club is again partnering with the MASCA Professional Development Committee to offer 20 PDPs for 2 book studies.  The first book will be studied in semester 1 through January 2024 and the second book will be covered in semester 2 through May 2024.  Each book can earn you 10 PDPs by completing the following:

1.  Read the book

2.  Complete a learning task

3.  Attend 1 Book club meeting to discuss the book - Wednesday November 29, 2023 - 4-5pm

4.  Attend 1 Book club meeting with the author - Wednesday January 10, 2024 - 4-5pm

In the first semester October 2023-January 2024 we will be reading The Use of Data in School Counseling 2e: Hatching Results (and So Much More) for Students, Programs, and the Profession by Trish Hatch & Julie Hartline.

Are you interested in completing the MARC or MARC Jr.?  Are you working to “close the gap”? We are all required to set Annual Student Outcome goals for the evaluation process at our school.  This book will support that work.  

The second semester February 2024-May 2024 book TBD

All participants must complete a two-part registration process:

1.    Complete the Google form to participate.

2.    Pre-register for the November meeting

3.    Pre-register for the January meeting

For more information or to become involved, please contact coordinators Maria Maloney at or Nicole Fernald at


Spring 2023 - School Counseling to Close Opportunity Gaps A Social Justice and Antiracist Framework for SUCCESS by Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy.

Fall, 2022 - 101 Solutions for School Counselors and Leaders in Challenging Times by Stuart F. Chen-Hayes, Melissa Ockerman and Erin Chase McCarthy Mason 

May 2022-   The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates by Wes Moore

March 2022- From Behaving to Belonging: The Inclusive Art of Supporting Students Who Challenge Us by Julie Causton & Kate MacLoed w/ companion Article: "Ready...Set...Success: A formula for leading schools with Love" by Julie Causton, Kate MacLoed, Kristie Pretti-Frontczak

October 2021 & January 2022 - Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators - by Elena Aguilar.

May 2021 - The Gifts of Imperfection - by Brene Brown

March 2021 - Trauma Doesn't Stop at the School Door - by Karen Gross

January 2021 - The Self Care Prescription: Powerful Solutions to Manage Stress, Reduce Anxiety & Increase Wellbeing - by Robyn Gobin

October 2020 - All Learning is Social and Emotional: Helping Students Develop Essential Skills for the Classroom and Beyond - by Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher and Dominique Smith

July 2020 - Interrupting Racism by Rebecca Atkins and Alicia Oglesby

March 2020 - The Energy Bus, by Jon Gordon

Massachusetts School Counselors Association, Inc.  
All Right Reserved.

MASCA deeply values its diverse membership and is fully committed to creating an organization where each individual is welcomed, included, respected and empowered.  No person will be excluded from MASCA on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, political affiliation or military status, or for any other discriminatory reason. These activities include, but are not limited to, appointment of its Governing Board, hiring or firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and the providing of services.  This policy is fundamental to the effective functioning of MASCA as an organization that supports counselors and promotes equity in our schools, districts and the Commonwealth.

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