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Affinity (AG) & Special Interest Groups (SIG)

Purpose of the SIG & AGs

Special Interest Groups (SIG) are designed to provide forums for members from various networks with shared interests in particular topics to gather to share ideas, discuss contemporary issues, and identify strategies for collaboration to support one another and move the field forward.  SIGs nurture the growing diversity within the association by providing small “micro” communities within which members can network and add value to their MASCA membership experience.  

Affinity Groups (AG) are designed to provide forums for members from various networks who have a common, shared identity.  Members will gather to share ideas, discuss contemporary issues, and identify strategies for collaboration to support one another.  Affinity Groups nurture the growing diversity within the association by providing small “micro” communities within which members can network and add value to their MASCA membership experience.  

SIG/AG Leaders

The SIG/AG Leaders are chosen by the SIG/AG members or self-identified by the group members and approved by the Executive Director.  SIG/AG Leaders must be members of MASCA.  Each SIG/AG is strongly encouraged to have at least two leaders (a leader and a co-leader).  Although there are no terms of office, the Member Services Committee will review the list of SIG/AG Leaders annually to determine if they will continue in their positions.  SIG/AG Leaders must agree to be proactive in engaging SIG/AG members in networking and discussion throughout the year and to be responsive to requests for information about the SIG/AG from MASCA staff and the Member Services Committee.

Forming a SIG/AG

To gain recognition as a MASCA SIG/AG, a group must submit a proposal to the MASCA Executive Director. The proposal must include:

  • SIG/AG mission statement articulating how the group furthers and promotes MASCA’s mission. SIG/AGs formed for the discussion and/or promotion of a specific product or service will be discouraged.
  • Identification of committed Leaders (ideally a leader and co-leader)
  • Names of at least 10 MASCA members supporting the mission of the proposed SIG/AG
  • Examples of possible SIGs might include active retired, Catholic counselors, charter schools, Latinx/Hispanic, rural counselors, urban counselors and virtual counselors
  • Examples of possible Affinity Groups might include LGBTQ+ or Counselors of Color.

Maintaining a Standing SIG/AG

There are a few basic requirements for maintaining a SIG/AG. If those requirements are not met, the Member Services Committee will review the SIG/AG and its leadership to determine if there is still enough interest to continue the SIG/AG and if the SIG/AG requires new Leaders.  Each SIG/AG will:

  • designate leaders who are MASCA members
  • hold a meeting and/or activity annually
  • be required to submit an annual report to the Executive Director outlining the SIG/AG activities for the year

Dissolving a SIG/AG

  • SIG/AGs out of compliance will be reviewed by the Member Services Committee to determine viability for continuation.

Possible SIG Activities

  • Promotion of SIG/AGs – New MASCA members will be invited to join the SIG/AGs when they join MASCA
  • Meetings at Annual Conference – MASCA will work with SIG/AGs interested in meeting to determine meeting space and time for SIG/AGs to meet if interested
  • MASCA website and Counselor’s Notebook – SIG/AGs are encouraged to submit SIG/AG activities to the SIG/AG section of the MASCA website and the monthly Counselor’s Notebook
  • Identify and convey concerns and needs of the SIG to the MASCA Governing Board

Established SIGs

(Note: Access to AG & SIG pages is restricted to MASCA members only (with the exception of the Retirees SIG which is open to all).  You must be logged in to view the SIG pages.)

Established Affinity Groups


All Affinity Group and SIG-related questions should be directed to the MASCA Executive Director.

Massachusetts School Counselors Association, Inc.  
All Right Reserved.

MASCA deeply values its diverse membership and is fully committed to creating an organization where each individual is welcomed, included, respected and empowered.  No person will be excluded from MASCA on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, political affiliation or military status, or for any other discriminatory reason. These activities include, but are not limited to, appointment of its Governing Board, hiring or firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and the providing of services.  This policy is fundamental to the effective functioning of MASCA as an organization that supports counselors and promotes equity in our schools, districts and the Commonwealth.

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