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MASCA is always looking for volunteers for various committees and projects.  Some are short term and focus on a specific task while others require a greater time commitment.  Hopefully you will find one that meets your interests and time availability.

COMMITTEE CHAIRS – As of October 15, 2024

Committee Chairs are appointed by the Board Chair and are asked to commit to a three year term.  Chairs are part of the Governing Board and encouraged to attend Board meetings (typically 5 per year) and the Summer Leadership Institute but do not have a vote.  Chairs are expected to carry out the activities of the committee (see descriptions below) which includes other MASCA members and to complete reports for each Board meeting.

  • Strategic Planning Committee
  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access (IDEA) Committee


    • Conference Committee - The Conference Committee plans the annual conference each spring.  Within the larger committee are also several subcommittees including exhibits, registration, publicity, programs and hospitality.  Committee members are also expected to attend the conference.
    • Ethics Committee - The newly formed Ethics Committee accepts responsibility for ensuring that MASCA members have access to high quality information regarding counseling ethics and school law pertaining to counseling.  The Committee will provide various opportunities for MASCA members to engage in conversation on the topic of ethics and will foster connections between members in an effort to facilitate a safe and trusting environment for cross-district collaboration that adheres to confidentiality.
    • Fiscal Oversight Committee - This committee assists the Executive Director plan the annual budget each year and meets during the course of the fiscal year if necessary.  This is an advisory committee which makes recommendations to the Board regarding the finances of the organization.
    • Government Relations & Advocacy Committee - The GRAC Committee works to advocate for school counselors among all facets of the state and national government.  The Committee will work closely with legislators and educational leaders, proposing, monitoring and promoting legislation which will impact our work.  Committee members help plan the annual advocacy day as well as organize testimony at various legislative hearings.  The Committee will also act as an advisory to the Executive Director giving input on various bills and position statements.
    • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Committee - The IDEA Committee’s mission is to provide leadership to ensure that issues of any type of diversity remain at the forefront in the thoughts and actions of MASCA members and the greater educational community.  Seeking to be the voice of diversity in all its many forms within the MASCA organization, the IDEA Committee works to ensure that people from underrepresented groups have voices that are heard by the larger membership. The IDEA Committee strives to be a catalyst by heightening awareness, consciousness, and sensitivity to the issues of race, culture, ethnicity, socio-economic status, human rights, gender, sexual orientation, age and other identities.
    • Massachusetts State School Counseling Model Committee - This Committee’s mission is to build upon the publication of the Massachusetts School Counseling Model 2.0 released in 2017.  Committee members will create materials that will complement the Model which will aid school counselors in implementing the Model in their school/district.  Educational activities and outreach efforts will also be a part of the work of the Committee.
    • Member Services Committee - The Member Services Committee accepts responsibility for promotion of membership, new and renewal.  It seeks programs and ideas that will strengthen the membership base and provide incentive for membership.  The Committee will work closely with the Executive Director and Membership Coordinator to organize activities and outreach efforts.
    • Nominating & Bylaw Committee  The Nominating & Bylaws Committee is charged with annually reviewing the MASCA Bylaws to ensure that they meet current state and national practices and expectations.  In addition, the Committee is to develop a list of members to fill the ballot for Board Directors. 
    • Professional Development Committee - The Professional Development Committee develops, presents, and promotes professional development workshops and activities. It coordinates with other MASCA committees and the Affiliates to ensure multiple opportunities for education. In addition, it cultivates membership through such initiatives.  The Committee also works closely with the Conference Committee to plan the yearly conference programs.
    • Professional Recognition Committee - This committee is tasked with selecting the various awards sponsored by MASCA which include the Counselor of the Year, Leadership, Administrative and Special Awards.  The Committee usually meets a couple times in January to make the selections.  The School Counselor of the Year is presented at the recipients' school in late January and the others are presented at the Annual Conference in the spring.
    • Publicity Committee - This newly formed committee will focus on  publicizing the many activities of school counselors in the state through press releases, proclamations and public service announcements.  This would include, but not be limited to, publicizing awards, including School Counselor of the Year,  accomplishments of members and officers, programs and activities of the organization.
    • Research & Evaluation Committee - This Committee will focus on the current research and evaluation in the school counseling field and ensure that MASCA members are kept up-to-date with the latest trends and issues.  Members will help to promote research in our state as well as focus on educating others.  The Committee will work closely with established research organizations such as the National Center for School Counseling Outcome Research & Evaluation, ASCA, ACES and other state school counseling organizations.
    • School Counselor Pipeline Committee - Our newest committee, the School Counselor Pipeline Committee was formed to address the increasing number of unfilled school counselor vacancies and reduction of candidates entering school counseling preparation programs.  The Committee will strategize and create opportunities to fill these gaps and promote the school counseling profession.
    • Strategic Planning Committee - This Committee is charged with looking at the long-term goals of the organization, looking beyond immediate concerns and proposing actions that will strengthen the Association and provide additional services to its members.
    • Technology Committee - This Committee is charged with keeping MASCA on the cutting edge of technology and ensuring that the organization and its members are using technology to its fullest.  This will be accomplished through programming opportunities, awareness activities and information dissemination.  Members will also promote the ethical use of technology in the profession.


    • Summer Camp Faculty - We will be looking for new SC2 faculty members for the 2026 Summer Camp held the third week of July.  Applications will be collected in September 2025.
    • MASCA Vision Document Revision Task Force – Originally published in 2009, we need to revise and update this document so we can use it to share our vision with legislators, policy makers and the general public.  This project is currently on hold.
    • Social Media Task Force – MASCA is looking for a few members to help develop a social media policy to determine what social media platforms we use, how often, by whom and for what reasons. An interest and understanding of social media will be helpful.
    • Mentoring – MASCA started a pilot Mentoring program in 2021-22 and launched a widespread program in 2022-23. If you are interested in being a mentoring or mentee, please let us know.
    • Evaluation – MASCA is beginning to investigate program evaluation models in hopes to provide school districts with a program evaluation option that would be conducted by MASCA members.  This is still in the infancy stages but if you would like to learn more or be part of the team that develops this program, please let us know.

    To Apply for any of the above, please  FILL OUT THIS FORM.

    Massachusetts School Counselors Association, Inc.  
    All Right Reserved.

    MASCA deeply values its diverse membership and is fully committed to creating an organization where each individual is welcomed, included, respected and empowered.  No person will be excluded from MASCA on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, political affiliation or military status, or for any other discriminatory reason. These activities include, but are not limited to, appointment of its Governing Board, hiring or firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and the providing of services.  This policy is fundamental to the effective functioning of MASCA as an organization that supports counselors and promotes equity in our schools, districts and the Commonwealth.

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